Monday, 17 August 2009

Roadworks in Costa del Silencio

I came to Costa Del Silencio in 1999. From then until last year the roads and paths around the town were deplorable. To think that I pushed my grandkids buggy up and down those potholed pavements and cobbled kerbs!

We were happy when work started to improve the situation but heavens what a mess they are making! And it is all taking soooo long.

The powers that be have now dug up a stretch of road from Coral Mar all the way to Calle de Te. Up till now they have not thought to cover it over with the tar macadam that constitutes what we could call a road. At the moment it is just dust blowing all over the place and bone-shattering pot holes. God only knows what it is doing to the car...

There have been a few posts on the subject on Tenerife Tattle if you want to know more about the CDS roadworks - just search for Costa Del Silencio and you'll get them in a list.

It is so obvious that the mayor of this small town is a man. No woman would let this mess go on month after month. It is a standing joke that just as it all looks to be finished they'll realise that they forgot to lay the underground pipes for water, electric and sewage. It is a kind of madness and all I can say in their defense is 'TIT' (this is Tenerife) in other words what do we expect.

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