Thursday, 29 October 2009

Focus on Beading

Well I have given myself a good talking to.
Things were going from bad to worse. The UFO's were piling up and I was getting nowhere fast. I could see the problem but I just could do nothing about it.
My answer was do something I really love to do.. well that was easy to answer 'A Spiral' I love the spiral I can do it with my eyes shut , so to speak. All I had to do was decide on the colors .
I went into the stash and found some clear seed beads and some royal blue small bugles and away I went spiraling like a mad thing..
Maybe this is not your way to deal with an over active brain but its mine .
I feel so much calmer today. I know I will get the call to do a wee bit here and there on the UFO's and as I take my time they will get finished..
Time is something I have a lot of. I just lost sight of this fact and lost my calm.
Hope you have a nice day thank you for visiting

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