I have an apology to make to all my readers. I have not been very well recently, nothing to do with my visitors, just a cold type thing I could not seem to shake . However I am feeling much better now. There seems to be a lot of this sort of bug at this time of year. (The change from high summer to a little cooler autumn). There is so many people going around with this infection you would think we would be prepared for it. But no we are all caught out every year..

Now I will show you just what I have been doing. I had another trip through Diane Fitzgerald book 'Shaped Beadwork' I do love this book. I said some time ago on the blog that I hated Peyote, well since buying this lovely book I have changed my mind. I have tried quite a few of the pieces, I need to tell you all ' I love Peyote '
Those are lovely. I'm so glad you finally found something that made you love peyote. It's such a versatile stitch. . .once you learn how to do it. I can't say I really have a favorite stitch, but peyote is at the top of the list.
Thank you for your kind words. I had a look at your web thats lovely stuff you do.
Hi Pat! How are you feeling now? Thnx for dropping by my blog. This beaded flower is very nice. But I have to say that I still 'hate' peyote stitch, haha! Practised it a few times but always gave up half way through! :P
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